Sunday, March 20

Satin Or Cotton For Your Pillowcase?

Have you had any hair loss problem where is inherent of your pillowcase after you're waking up? I’m also got that problem sometimes like i’ve mentioned earlier. 
But, how can we solve that problem?

Now, you do not have to worry about a hair loss problem. Because, by only using the right pillowcase will be able to solve the hair loss problem while you are sleeping. How should i proceed? Did you know that, by using a right pillowcase made from satin or silk cloth is good for our hair health.

In fact, the use of fabric is not just providing comfort when you sleep, but it also can prevent you from hair loss during a sleep. This is because the pillowcase made of silk or satin cloth can reduce friction against the hair while sleeping than a pillowcase made of cotton or wool cloth. So, indirectly it can prevent you from hair loss while you on sleep.

So guys, which one will be your choice right now for your pillowcase?

Satin or Cotton?

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